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Keys in the Pocket

52 min   |  Edouard & Stan Zambeaux
  |  2016    


YUZU Productions, Public Sénat, TVM Est parisien, Télim TV, with the participation of CNC, of POLYGONE, of l’UNION SOCIALE POUR L’HABITAT, d’AMALLIA, de la PROCIREP - Société des producteurs and l’ANGOA, and Commission Images de la Diversité – CGET / Acsé, Ministère des affaires sociales et de la santé - DICOM, Communauté d’Agglomération du Bassin d’Aurillac 

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Leaving the precarious life in Paris with the hope to find a better future in the countryside of Aurillac. This is the project of several families or singles through an experimental social program. This documentary follows the life of these people during one year. Will they be able to find what they are looking for: Integrate themselves into society, rebuild themselves and ultimately change their life?

Festivals : Aux Ecrans du Réel - Films d’ici et d’ailleurs, Ecrans documentaires 2016, Résonances 2016, Traces de vie 2016, Bobines sociales 2017. 

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